Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your brand. Using an email blast or newsletter is a great way to make sure that your target market sees and reacts to your content. Here are some tips that you can use to make sure your email campaign is as effective as possible.
Just Give Them Your Best
The type of content that you send to your email subscribers doesn’t need to be as in-depth as the content you put on your website. In fact, it doesn’t necessarily need to be new content or even content that you have created. Instead, you can curate articles relevant to your field or with a message that your followers will like. Tools like Buzzumo can make this process easy and automatic.
Stay Organized with Digital Marketing Tools
There are a myriad of tools that you can use to organize your email lists, send automatic thank you messages to new subscribers and automate the process of sending out new content. Specifically, you can use paid tools from MailChimp or Aweber. Sites like Gumroad also do a great job of managing your workflow for free.
Don’t Overdo It
Email marketing works best when you don’t bombard your followers with a lot of messages each week. A single email per week keeps them updated and assured in the fact that you are going to keep in touch without clogging their inboxes. As a general rule people are more likely to open an email on Monday morning or anytime just before, during and after lunch.
Personalize Your Subject Lines
The best way to get someone to click on and open your email is to use a great headline. Typing search terms into Google such as how to create a headline or headline generator will help you put together a compelling subject line in minutes. From there, you can look at your analytic tool either through Google or your preferred list organizer to see which terms work best for open rates.
Keep It Short and Sweet
When engaging in any type of digital marketing, you need to get to the point quickly. If you are offering a discount, want someone to read your work or see your content in a timely manner, you have to tell the reader what to do and to do it. One tactic that you can use along those lines is to use the name of the subscriber in the subject line or in the beginning of your content. This may make a subscriber think that the email is specifically for him or her, which may increase the odds of that message being opened.
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your name and content out to those who buy products from you. Therefore, it is critical that you understand the tools at your disposal to create an email list and distribute content without taking time away from your core responsibilities.
Also published on Medium.