You have probably heard that content marketing can help boost traffic to your website and keep your readers coming back. That is a great goal. However, what if your industry isn’t all that exciting? You might be concerned that people don’t really want to know the ins and outs of plumbing. If you sell cement, you wonder how engaging the content that you create can possibly be. Even if you’re not in a trendy or exciting niche, you can still draw in an audience by clarifying your target customer, publishing case studies, providing answers to frequently asked questions and having fun by including videos and infographics.
Clarify Your Target Customer
You don’t have to attract everyone. If someone doesn’t have a use for cement, they’re probably not going to hang out on your website anyway. Take an hour to really define the kind of customer who will find your industry interesting.
Someone who is into do-it-yourself home projects might need information on building a patio. Someone who is dealing with a plumbing emergency may want to know some troubleshooting tips to stop a water leak before the plumber arrives. When you know why your audience is reaching out to you, you’ll be better equipped to create an alluring content marketing strategy.
Publish Case Studies
Consumers typically want to know how their lives will improve while using your products or services. If you can describe how other customers have benefited from what you offer, you can entice your audience to purchase from you. You may even have clients who have used your products in unexpected or surprising ways. Sharing this can encourage your target customer to consider working with you even if they thought they weren’t a candidate for what you offer.
Provide Answers
Your customer service department may receive frequent emails with questions from potential clients. If one person has a question, you can bet that someone else in your market is wondering the same thing. Keep a record of the questions that your audience asks, and create blog posts or newsletters that answer these requests.
Have Fun with It
Nobody wants to read a procedural article filled with text. Break up your paragraphs with easy-to-read information. Using infographics can make a boring topic more enjoyable to learn about. Videos can liven up a dull subject. Add humor or animation to your videos to add interest.
You can also incorporate your readers into your content. Ask questions that encourage readers to interact with you at the end of every blog post, and remind your audience to share their thoughts in the comments. People like to give their opinions and share their ideas, and they will be more likely to remember you when they’re involved in creating your content.
Your blog posts don’t have to be technical. In fact, they should be easy for your ideal client to understand. Your industry isn’t boring to the people who need your services. Keep a close eye on your audience to determine their interests, and create a content marketing strategy that is tailored to what your potential clients want to know.