
Email Marketing

5 Effective Tactics for Email Content Marketing

5 Effective Tactics for Email Marketing

By | Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Link Building | No Comments

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your brand. Using an email blast or newsletter is a great way to make sure that your target market sees and reacts to your content. Here are some tips that you can use to make sure your email campaign is as effective as possible. Just Give Them Your Best  The type of content that you send to your email subscribers doesn’t need to be as in-depth…

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Email Marketing: Be Nice (Thanks, Swayze)

Email Marketing Advice: Be Nice. (Thanks, Swayze)

By | Digital Marketing, Email Marketing | No Comments

Email marketing is a tough game. This is the reality of it. You are basically “cold-calling” people via the most easily ignored platform. Sometimes it feels like they invented a “spam” folder just for you. But it does not have to be that way. You can BE good at email marketing and you can FEEL good about email marketing. Email marketing gets a bad rap, but there is a right way to do it and a…

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