In Las Vegas, video production can be a very interesting job. We get to work with a lot of fun companies and from time to time we like to share the story behind our work to give you a little insight into how the sausage is made. In this instance, it’s made with boogers. Boogers and love. The Assignment: The client wanted videos for a new product they were launching that was, well, unique. It’s called…
You have probably heard that content marketing can help boost traffic to your website and keep your readers coming back. That is a great goal. However, what if your industry isn’t all that exciting? You might be concerned that people don’t really want to know the ins and outs of plumbing. If you sell cement, you wonder how engaging the content that you create can possibly be. Even if you’re not in a trendy or…
As marketers we are living in an era where our industry is changing at an unprecedented pace. It seems weekly technological developments are changing the way consumers use the Internet requiring us to stay ever vigilant on how to best reach them with the best digital marketing practices. 2016 will be the year when many of the digital marketing technologies which have been used exploratorily will begin to mature and have significant consumer impacts. In this article,…